Méso school 2021

















School of the GDR in Mesoscopic Physics


We are happy to confirm that the School will be held as planned, and will start this Monday, October 4th! The program is now downloadable as a pdf file.


The GDR 2426 ("Mesoscopic Quantum Physics Research Group") School of Mesoscopic Physics will take place from Monday October 4th 2021 to Saturday October 16th 2021 at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Cargèse (IESC, Corsica, France). 

The main goal of this Cargèse 2021 school, in the continuity of the Aussois 2005, Cargèse 2008, 2012 and 2016 schools, is to provide pedagogical courses and colloquia from world experts in a variety of topics in mesoscopic quantum physics. The participation of newcomers to the field (PhD, Postdoctoral researchers, CNRS researchers), from France and abroad, is encouraged.  

All participants in the school are expected to stay the full duration of the school. They should also plan to bring a poster of their research activities to present during one of the two poster sessions and email the organizers a two slide presentation for the "flash poster presentation session" of the two first days.

Do remember to bring walking shoes and a headlamp

The courses / colloquia will be in English.


Anne Anthore (Université de Paris, C2N Palaiseau, France): Coherent Transport

Alexandre Blais (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada): Superconducting circuits (via Zoom)

Piet Brouwer (Freie University, Berlin, Germany): Topological insulators and superconductors

Michel Devoret (University of Yale, USA): Low noise detectors (via Zoom)

Max Hofheinz (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada): High frequency Quantum Coherent transport (via Zoom)

Zaki Leghtas (Mines ParisTech, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France): Superconducting circuits techniques

Julia Meyer (CEA Grenoble, France): Mesoscopic Superconductivity

Christophe Mora (Université Paris Diderot, France): Interactions in mesoscopic systems

Benjamin Sacépé (Institut Néel): Physics of graphene and 2D materials

Gary Steele (TU Delft, Netherlands): Quantum optomechanics


Richard Deblock (CNRS, LPS Orsay, France)

Anaïs Dréau (CNRS, Université de Montpellier, France)

Eva Dupont-Ferrier (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)  (via Zoom)

Nicolas Roch (CNRS, Institut Néel, Grenoble)

Cristian Urbina (CNRS, CEA Saclay, France)

Clemens Winkelman (CNRS, Institut Néel, France)

Eli Zeldov (Weizmann Institute, Israel)  (via Zoom)


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